How you can generate income through Goat farming
Goat farming is one of the scalable business a good income can generate through Goat farming. It is one of the scalable business you can start with few goats after getting knowledge you can scale this as much as you want.
Every Beginner goat farmer wants to know how you can generate income through goat farming. There are many way you can generate income through Goat farming.
Generate income through: Meat purpose goat farming
Generate income through Goat farming – as a meat purpose goat farming. You can raise goat for meat purpose it is the best way because goat meat has huge demand all over the world. The goat has gestation period of 5 months and goat is known for giving multiple Kids at each gestation. Generally goat gives twins but some time it gives Triplets or quadruplets.
You can raised 25 female with 1 male goat in the beginning. After 5 months of gestation you will get 50 beautiful kids. The goat kids remain on milk feeding of their mother up to 3 months. It means that you don’t have to spend money on the feed up to 3 months.
You have to feed them for 2 months. Now the age of your kid is 5 months they are ready for sale. This is the best way of meet purpose Goat farming. You can earn the good income with (25+1) goats.
Meat Purpose goat breed
Boer goat
Boer goat is like the asset of Goat farming it is highly productive goat breed. Boer goat is the famous meat purpose goat breed. Boer goat is mainly known for their easy weight gain. This Goat is also used for crossbreeding to increase the weight gain capacity of low production goat breed. It is one of the best breed in the for meat purpose.
Good revenue can generate through Boer Goat. The semen of Boer Goat is valuable for artificial insemination. A extra income can generate by selling of Boer goat semen. Artificial insemination is the win-win situation for both Male goat keeper or female goat keeper. Male goat keeper can sale the semen and earn money while no headache of keeping male Buck For female goat keeper.
Pygmy Goat
The pygmy goat is the famous Pet goat breed worldwide, they are famous raising pets in western countries. The Pygmy can be the good source of income if you raising Pygmy Goat herds. The cost of raising pygmy Goat flock is less while the can return a good money. The selling price of pygmy goat is expensive than other goat Breed. in my Opinion it can be good option for generating income. Pygmy goat is originated in Nigeria or The good income can generate through goat farming of Pygmy Goat.
Indigenous goat Breed
If anyone planning for meat purpose raising goat than indigenous goat breed of your region can make a good income for you. The main advantage of indigenous goat is that they are habitual of that region and grow fastly.
Generate income through: Milk Purpose Goat farming
Generate income through Goat farming – as milk purpose goat farming. Goat milk is highly nutritious than other, the Low fat goat milk is suitable for those who are lactose intolerance Goat milk is considered better than cow milk.
Goat cheese has high demand in every region of the world. Goat cheese is more tastier than other cheese. It is quite expensive than other cheese. If you have the fifty plus goats than Goat cheese Business can become the best source of income.
Generate income through: By-Products
Everyone knows the value of organic farming nowadays goat dung manure has high NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) value. It is the byproduct of goat farming a extra income generate through it.
A Vermi-compost fertilizer can make through the Goat Dung manure which has huge for those who are doing Organics farming for fruits and vegetables. It is also used in the poly-house. A better income can generate through it.
Generate income through: Breeding Purpose Goat farming
Breeding purpose goat farming is the best way of goat farming in which a good 3 to 4 type pure breed can raised in the farm or the adult breeder buck or adult female can sale to the new beginner goat farmers.
Goat farming is growing continuously day by day because of increasing the demand of meat. The new farmer entering in this business they need pure breed to starting their farm. This is the best way above all and can make good money.
Generate Income through providing Goat farming consultancy
Once you get experience in all the Process of goat farming than you can sure provide consultancy. Goat farmer can easily generate income through providing consultancy to the beginners goat farmer this is the best way to enhance the income of goat farmer.
Goat farming is the best business related to agriculture if you have your own land and you grow your own feed than this is the best business for you. The best part of this business you can scale it as much as you want. Goat is the polite and friendly animal a single man or woman can handle 100 goats or they can easily survive in arid or semi arid region. Goat meat is highly nutritious or it is expensive than other meat. there is no fluctuation in the price of per kg goat meat it is always remain at peak. So I am surely telling that You can generate a good income with it.